As-built as a service

No more hassle with your matrix, Cause and Effect Matrix conformance test on demand

Our stack of smart tools executes conformance testes to validate that your PLC complies with your Cause and Effect Matrix

As Built Report

VERTsafe built-in smart algorithms performs full coverage test (100%) of your matrix interlocks and generates a complete conformance test report

Standardized Matrix

VERTsafe analyses your cause and effect matrix and highlights the pages that are out of standard

Automatic Matrix Import

Your Cause and Effect Matrix is automatically imported from Excel using our smart tool chain

As-Built in Three Steps

Cause and Effect Matrix Import

We perform all the hard work necessary to import your matrix documentation from Excel to our platform. Your matrix standard is also checked in this step and a report of non-standard pages is generated.

TAG Mapping

Together with your team, we map all TAGs in your matrix with your PLC. Threshold values are identified and all mapped TAGs are confirmed using the OPC/OPCUA protocol.

As-Built Report

Our automatic stack of tool selects and executes a full coverage set of tests direct on you PLC. All testes are summarized into a As-Built report highlighting which interlocks from your matrix does not comply with your PLC implementation.

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One of our sales representatives will contact you to organize a non-binding online product presentation.

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