Programmatic Control of Your Cause and Effect Matrix (CEM)

VERTsafe helps you keep track of your Cause and Effect Matrix from designing to as-built verification with your PLC logic

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Solve it once and for all

Don't be afraid of your Cause and Effect Matrix


Seamlessly performs automatic as-built verification with your PLC logic on demand

Standardized CEM

Analyses and highlights the pages that are out of standard

Guided Site Tests

Exports a spreadsheet with all interlocks to guide your site acceptance tests

Online Viewer

Easily share your CEM using an online viewer with advanced navigation and search features

VERTsafe at a Glance

Complete stack of tools to edit and test the interlocks of your Cause and Effect Matrix

CEM Editor

Full fledged editor that reinforces good practices and reduces the learning curve to follow CEM standard. Featured features:

  • IO integrity test
  • Advanced TAG search
  • Import/Export legacy excel documents
  • And more...

Standardized CEM

VERTsafe identifies fields with incomplete or inappropriate data, allowing for quick corrections and ensuring document consistency.

Automatic Logic Tests

Using the OPC-UA protocol, VERTsafe's smart algorithm automatically selects and executes a full coverage test to verify if the PLC program complies with the logic documented in the CEM.

As Built as a Service

Our team is ready to help you verify legacy projects

We do all the hard work necessary to import your matrix documentation from Excel. 
We only need access to your PLC program to perform automatic conformance tests

Would like to know more?

Please, fill out the form below. 
One of our sales representatives will contact you to organize a non-binding online product presentation.

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